Congressional Correspondence
Through formal correspondence to Congress, OGE communicates its substantive views on legislative proposals, transmits its own legislative proposals, responds to written congressional inquiries, and transmits performance and other required information.
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Letter to Rep. Davis Regarding Status of Request from Senior Executive Association for Advisory Opinion, 2004
Letter to Representative Tom Davis Regarding the Status of a Request from the Senior Executives Association for an Advisory Opinion about 18 U.S.C. 208
Letter to Sen. Lieberman Regarding OGE's Review of a Report by IG, 2004
Letter to Senator Joseph Lieberman Regarding OGE’s Review of a Report by the Inspector General for the Department of the Interior
Letter to Rep. Davis Regarding Recommendations made in a GAO Report about FACA, 2004
Letter to Representative Tom Davis Regarding Recommendations made in a General Accounting Office Report about Ensuring Independence in Federal Advisory Committees
Letter to Sen. Collins Regarding Recommendations made in a GAO Report about FACA, 2004
Letter to Senator Susan Collins Regarding Recommendations made in a General Accounting Office Report about Ensuring Independence in Federal Advisory Committees
Letter to Sens. Hollings and McCain Regarding S. 1264, Senior Employees, 2003
Letter to Senator Ernest Hollings and John McCain Regarding S. 1264 (Reauthorizing the FCC) that Deals with Senior Employees for Purposes of 18 U.S.C. 207 Post-Employment Restrictions
Letter to Rep. Conyers Regarding Comments Made in a Press Statement, 2003
Letter to Representative John Conyers Regarding Comments He made in a Press Statement on Conflicts of Interest Laws as They Apply to Special Government Employees
Letter to Rep. Young and Others Regarding Annual Technology Security Review, 2003
Letter to Representative C.W. Young and Others Regarding Annual Technology Security Review for OGE
Letter to Sen. Stevens and Others Regarding Annual Technology Security Review, 2003
Letter to Senator Ted Stevens and Others Regarding Annual Technology Security Review for OGE
Letter to Reps. Tauzin and Greenwood Transmitting Ethics Report on NIH, 2003
Letter to Representatives W.J. Tauzin and James Greenwood Transmitting the Complete 1987 Review Report of the Ethics Program at the National Institutes of Health
Letter to Sen. Sarbanes Regarding Financial Holdings of Mark Brickell, 2003
Letter to Senator Paul Sarbanes Regarding the Financial Holdings of Mr. Mark Brickell, Nominee for the Position of Director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
Letter to House Transmitting OGE's Inventories of Commercial and Governmental Activities, 2003
Letter to the House of Representatives Transmitting OGE's Inventories of Commercial and Inherently Governmental Activities, Pursuant to the Federal Inventory Reform Act
Letter to Senate Regarding OGE's Inventories of Commercial and Governmental Activities, 2003
Letter to the Senate Transmitting OGE's Inventories of Commercial and Inherently Governmental Activities, Pursuant to the Federal Inventory Reform Act
Letter to House Transmitting OGE's Proposal to Amend EIGA, 2003
Letter to the House of Representatives Transmitting OGE’s Proposal to Amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 by Streamlining and Simplifying Financial Disclosures
Letter to Senate Transmitting OGE's Proposal to Amend EIGA, 2003
Letter to the SenateTransmitting OGE’s Proposal to Amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 by Streamlining and Simplifying Financial Disclosures
Letter to Reps. Hunter and Skelton Regarding H.R. 1588, 2003
Letter to Representatives Duncan Hunter and Ike Skelton Regarding H.R. 1588 (Defense Authorization), which would Add Restrictions Duplicating the Standards of Conduct
Letter to Sens. Warner and Levin Regarding H.R. 1588, 2003
Letter to Senators John Warner and Carl Levin Regarding H.R. 1588 (Defense Authorization), which would Add Restrictions Duplicating the Standards of Conduct
Letter to Sen. Feingold Regarding Hiring of Former Acting Administrator of FAA, 2003
Letter to Senator Russ Feingold Regarding the Hiring of the Former Acting Administrator of the FAA to a Position in a Private Company and the Applicability of 18 U.S.C. 207 Post-Employment Restrictions
Letter to Speaker Hastert Transmitting Performance Accountability Report for 2002, 2003
Letter to Speaker Dennis Hastert Transmitting a Copy of OGE’s Performance Accountability Report for FY 2002