Congressional Correspondence
Through formal correspondence to Congress, OGE communicates its substantive views on legislative proposals, transmits its own legislative proposals, responds to written congressional inquiries, and transmits performance and other required information.
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Letter to the Representatives Barbara Lee and José Serrano, House Committee on Appropriations, regarding diversity and inclusion at OGE
Letter to the Representatives Barbara Lee and José Serrano, House Committee on Appropriations, regarding diversity and inclusion at OGE
Letter to the United States Senate Committee on the Budget regarding OGE’s acquisition history
Letter to the United States Senate Committee on the Budget regarding OGE’s acquisition history for fiscal years 2007 through 2011.
Senate passes House version of STOCK Act; bill heads to President
On March 22, 2012, the Senate passed the House version of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 (STOCK Act) (S. 2038). The bill will now proceed to the President. Should the President sign this bill, OGE will develop implementing guidance.
Letter to Sen. Inouye and Rep. Rogers Transmitting OGE’s FY 2013 Budget Justification
Letters to the Chairmen of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees and Others transmitting a copy of OGE’s FY 2013 Congressional Budget Justification and Annual Performance Plan
OGE Response to Senate Committee on STOCK Act
OGE responds to questions from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee regarding the scope of certain provisions of the STOCK Act (S. 2038), as amended and passed by the Senate on February 2, 2012.
Letter to the United States Senate Committee on the Budget regarding OGE's acquisition history for fiscal years 2007 through 2011
Letter to the United States Senate Committee on the Budget regarding OGE's acquisition history for fiscal years 2007 through 2011
Letter to the Representative Lynn Jenkins, Assistant Whip, regarding proposed rule RIN 3209-AA04
Letter to the Representative Lynn Jenkins, Assistant Whip, regarding proposed rule RIN 3209-AA04
Letters to Speaker Boehner, President of Senate Biden and Others Transmitting FY11 PAR
Letter to Speaker John Boehner, President of the Senate Joseph Biden, Jr., and Others transmitting a copy of OGE's Performance Accountability Report for FY 2011
Rep. Issa Letter Regarding OGE's FOIA Program, 2011
Letter to Representative Darrell Issa, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, regarding OGE's Freedom of Information Act Program
Letter to Speaker John Boehner and Others Transmitting FY10 PAR
Letter to Speaker John Boehner and Others transmitting a copy of OGE’s Performance Accountability Report for FY 2010