Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

FOIA provides that any person has a right to obtain access to agency records, except to the extent that such records, or portions of them, are protected from disclosure.

Getting Started -- Information for OGE FOIA Requesters

To see OGE’s requirements for making a request, please review OGE’s FOIA Regulation at 5 CFR part 2604

  1. Before submitting a FOIA request, please review OGE’s website. OGE routinely posts records so what you are looking may already be publicly available.  
    1. Financial disclosure reports and certain other publicly available documents are not released under FOIA, so be sure to check out the information on Frequently Requested Information Available Without a FOIA Request
    2. Previously processed FOIA records and frequently requested items are available in our  FOIA reading rooms
  2. The FOIA does not require agencies to do research, answer written questions, or create agency records in order to respond to a request. Accordingly, please make sure your request is framed in a way to direct a search for specific agency records. 
  3. OGE is a micro agency with a very small FOIA staff. To receive your response as quickly as possible, please scope your requests as narrowly as possible. 
  4. FOIA requests should be in writing and include your name and contact information, preferably an email address and telephone number. The request should reasonably describe the records being sought. 
  5. Send your FOIA request to If you do not have access to email, you may mail your request to OGE FOIA Officer, Office of Government Ethics, Suite 750, 250 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20024-3249. 
  6. You may track the status of your FOIA requests online. Refer to your FOIA request acknowledgment for the individualized tracking number assigned to the request. 
  7. Please ensure any follow-up communication regarding your request includes the assigned internal tracking number. Doing so will help us to quickly retrieve the details of your request.