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A Message from OGE’s Director to Ethics Officials about Their Important Role and What’s to Come in 2023

January 31, 2023

From: Emory Rounds, Director

This month, I sent a video message to the thousands of officials who carry out the ethics program across the executive branch. In that message, I thanked them for their service to our nation and for their vital efforts protecting the trust of the public we serve. I also shared with them my thoughts and expectations for the executive branch ethics program in 2023, concerning ethics policy, financial disclosure, transparency, professional development, and oversight. 

Below is a brief excerpt from the remarks, reminding ethics officials of the vital role they each play and encouraging them to redouble their commitment to protect the trust of the public we serve. 

“You, the ethics officials and your teams, are the front line protecting the integrity of our government. Without you and your dedicated staffs, the ethics program simply could not function… Today, this year, your work matters, perhaps now more than ever.

Each and all of you have it within your power to make a difference. Each and all of you can decide today, tomorrow, and every day this year to do something to make things better, something to build and protect the trust of the public we serve. 

I know that there is no magic bullet. I understand that trust is built out of a seemingly infinite number of discrete decisions. And so I’m asking you, when you are making decisions, when you can influence the decisions of others, please do so. 
And do so to protect the trust of our fellow Americans. They are counting on you. They are counting on us.”