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Conflict of Interest Prosecution Surveys Index (by Statute)

Each year, the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issues a survey of prosecutions involving the conflict of interest criminal statutes (18 U.S.C. §§ 202-209) and other related statutes. The survey highlights how the Department of Justice enforces the criminal conflict of interest laws, and is a useful resource ethics officials can use to educate employees about how these law apply in real-world situations. Information on the prosecutions by U.S. Attorneys' offices and the Civil Division and Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice is provided to OGE with the assistance of the Executive Office for United States Attorneys at the Department of Justice. This page provides an index of each prosecution by statute.

18 U.S.C. § 201 – Bribery of Public Officials and Witnesses

Section 201........................................... 2021 Prosecution Survey case 3
2020 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 2
2019 Prosecution Survey cases 1-3, 5
2017 Prosecution Survey case 2
2015 Prosecution Survey case 2
2007 Prosecution Survey case 19
Section 201(b)(1).................................. 2008 Prosecution Survey case 7
Section 201(b)(2).................................. 2019 Prosecution Survey case 4
2017 Prosecution Survey case 1
2015 Prosecution Survey case 3
2014 Prosecution Survey cases 3, 4
2011 Prosecution Survey case 6
2010 Prosecution Survey case 10
2008 Prosecution Survey case 7
Section 201(c)(1).................................. 2022 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 2                                    2021 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 2
2017 Prosecution Survey case 3
2015 Prosecution Survey case 4
2013 Prosecution Survey case 1
2008 Prosecution Survey case 3
1990-1991 Prosecution Survey case 5

18 U.S.C. § 203 – Compensation for Matters Affecting the Government

Section 203........................................... 2013 Prosecution Survey case 4
2001 Prosecution Survey case 3
1997 Prosecution Survey case 1
1995 Prosecution Survey case 9
1992 Prosecution Survey case 2
1990-91 Prosecution Survey cases 3, 5
Section 203(a)(1).................................. 2018 Prosecution Survey case 1
2011 Prosecution Survey case 2
2000 Prosecution Survey case 12
1998 Prosecution Survey case 11
1993 Prosecution Survey case 7a
Section 203(a)(2).................................. 2000 Prosecution Survey case 14
1993 Prosecution Survey cases 7b, 7c, 16

18 U.S.C. § 205 – Claims Against and Other Matters Affecting the Government

Section 205........................................... 2021 Prosecution Survey case 4
2018 Prosecution Survey case 2
2016 Prosecution Survey case 1
2013 Prosecution Survey case 2
2001 Prosecution Survey cases 3, 5
1998 Prosecution Survey case 10
1996 Prosecution Survey case 2
1993 Prosecution Survey case 1
1992 Prosecution Survey case 9

18 U.S.C. § 207 – Post-Employment Restrictions

Section 207(a)(1).................................. 2020 Prosecution Survey cases 2-4
2019 Prosecution Survey case 6
2018 Prosecution Survey cases 3, 4
2016 Prosecution Survey case 2
2015 Prosecution Survey case 5
2014 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 5
2011 Prosecution Survey case 3
2009 Prosecution Survey case 3
2008 Prosecution Survey cases 4, 5
2007 Prosecution Survey case 2
2004 Prosecution Survey cases 2, 5
2003 Prosecution Survey case 3
2002 Prosecution Survey case 7
2000 Prosecution Survey case 11
1999 Prosecution Survey case 8
1998 Prosecution Survey cases 7, 9, 12
1996 Prosecution Survey case 3
1994 Prosecution Survey case 1
1990-91 Prosecution Survey case 15
Section 207(a)(2)..................................

2011 Prosecution Survey case 3
1999 Prosecution Survey case 5
1998 Prosecution Survey cases 2, 15
1994 Prosecution Survey case 9
1993 Prosecution Survey case 6

Section 207(c)......................................

2022 Prosecution Survey case 3

2016 Prosecution Survey case 1
2013 Prosecution Survey case 3
2007 Prosecution Survey case 1
2001 Prosecution Survey case 1
2000 Prosecution Survey case 2
1999 Prosecution Survey case 4
1998 Prosecution Survey case 15
1993 Prosecution Survey case 2
1990-91 Prosecution Survey case 15

Section 207(e)(2)…………..…….…….. 2011 Prosecution Survey case 4

18 U.S.C. § 208 – Official Actions Affecting Personal Financial Interests

Section 208........................................... 2022 Prosecution Survey case 2, 4, 5, 6, 7                           2021 Prosecution Survey cases 5, 6
2020 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 2, 4-7
2019 Prosecution Survey cases 3-5, 7-11
2018 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 5-7
2017 Prosecution Survey cases 3-5
2016 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 3-8
2015 Prosecution Survey cases 6-10
2014 Prosecution Survey cases 2, 4, 6-8
2013 Prosecution Survey cases 4-7
2012 Prosecution Survey cases 2-9
2011 Prosecution Survey cases 5-8
2010 Prosecution Survey cases 3-9
2009 Prosecution Survey cases 4-9
2008 Prosecution Survey case 6
2007 Prosecution Survey cases 3-8
2006 Prosecution Survey cases 13, 15, 16, 18
2005 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 6, 7, 10-12
2004 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 4-6
2003 Prosecution Survey cases 4, 7, 8
2002 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 2, 4, 8, 10
2001 Prosecution Survey cases 2-4
2000 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 3-5, 7, 9, 10, 13
1999 Prosecution Survey cases 1-3, 6, 9, 10, 12
1998 Prosecution Survey cases 4, 6, 8
1997 Prosecution Survey cases 2-6
1996 Prosecution Survey cases 4, 6, 8, 9
1995 Prosecution Survey cases 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10
1994 Prosecution Survey cases 2, 4, 6
1993 Prosecution Survey cases 4, 5, 8, 11, 15
1992 Prosecution Survey cases 4, 6, 8
1990-91 Prosecution Survey cases 6-8, 12, 14, 17, 18

18 U.S.C. § 209 – Dual Compensation for Official Duties

Section 209........................................... 2021 Prosecution Survey case 2
2020 Prosecution Survey case 8
2018 Prosecution Survey cases 8-10
2017 Prosecution Survey case 6
2015 Prosecution Survey case 4
2014 Prosecution Survey case 9
2013 Prosecution Survey case 8
2012 Prosecution Survey case 10
2011 Prosecution Survey cases 9, 10
2010 Prosecution Survey cases 10, 11
2009 Prosecution Survey cases 2, 10
2008 Prosecution Survey case 7
2007 Prosecution Survey case 9
2006 Prosecution Survey cases 6, 12, 14
2005 Prosecution Survey cases 3, 9
2004 Prosecution Survey case 3
2003 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 2, 5, 6, 10
2002 Prosecution Survey cases 3, 5, 6, 9
2001 Prosecution Survey case 3
2000 Prosecution Survey cases 6, 8, 15
1999 Prosecution Survey case 7
1998 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 3, 13, 14
1997 Prosecution Survey cases 7, 8
1995 Prosecution Survey case 6
1994 Prosecution Survey cases 7, 8
1993 Prosecution Survey cases 3, 7b, c, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17
1992 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 3, 5, 7
1990-91 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 13, 16

5 U.S.C. § 13103 (Ethics in Government Act) – Persons Required to File

Section 13103........................................... 2021 Prosecution Survey case 10
2020 Prosecution Survey case 12

5 U.S.C. § 13106 (Ethics in Government Act) – Failure to File or Filing a False Public Financial Disclosure Report

Section 13106........................................... 2020 Prosecution Survey case 12
2015 Prosecution Survey cases 14, 15
2014 Prosecution Survey case 11
2006 Prosecution Survey case 19

18 U.S.C. § 2 – Aiding and Abetting an Offense Against the United States

Section 2............................................... 2014 Prosecution Survey case 3
2005 Prosecution Survey case 8

18 U.S.C. § 371 – Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States or to Defraud the United States

Section 371........................................... 2022 Prosecution Survey case 8                                             2021 Prosecution Survey case 7
2020 Prosecution Survey case 9
2019 Prosecution Survey case 12
2018 Prosecution Survey case 11
2015 Prosecution Survey cases 2, 4, 7
2011 Prosecution Survey cases 6, 11
2006 Prosecution Survey cases 9, 16, 17
2004 Prosecution Survey case 1

18 U.S.C. § 1001 – Making False Statements or Writings/Committing Acts of Concealment

Section 1001......................................... 2022 Prosecution Survey case 9, 10                                      2021 Prosecution Survey cases 3, 8
2020 Prosecution Survey cases 10, 11
2019 Prosecution Survey cases 2, 13
2018 Prosecution Survey cases 2, 7, 12
2017 Prosecution Survey cases 7-11
2016 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 9, 10
2015 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 11-13
2014 Prosecution Survey case 10
2012 Prosecution Survey case 12
2011 Prosecution Survey cases 2, 8, 11, 12
2010 Prosecution Survey cases 6, 16
2009 Prosecution Survey cases 6, 11
2008 Prosecution Survey cases 1, 2, 9, 10
2007 Prosecution Survey cases 10, 12
2006 Prosecution Survey cases 8, 15
1998 Prosecution Survey case 5
1994 Prosecution Survey case 3
1992 Prosecution Survey case 6
Section 1001(a)(1)................................ 2012 Prosecution Survey case 11
2011 Prosecution Survey case 6
2006 Prosecution Survey case 1
Section 1001(a)(2)................................ 2022 Prosecution Survey case 1                                                                            2016 Prosecution Survey case 11
2010 Prosecution Survey case 12
2008 Prosecution Survey case 8
2006 Prosecution Survey cases 9, 16

18 U.S.C. § 1018 – Making and Delivering a False Certificate or Writing

Section 1018......................................... 2010 Prosecution Survey cases 13-15
2007 Prosecution Survey case 11
2006 Prosecution Survey cases 5, 10, 13
2005 Prosecution Survey case 2

18 U.S.C. § 1343 – Wire Fraud

Section 1343......................................... 2021 Prosecution Survey case 3
2015 Prosecution Survey case 9
2014 Prosecution Survey cases 4, 8
2012 Prosecution Survey case 2
2011 Prosecution Survey case 8
2010 Prosecution Survey cases 6, 16
2007 Prosecution Survey cases 15, 16
2006 Prosecution Survey case 15
2002 Prosecution Survey case 1
1997 Prosecution Survey case 3

18 U.S.C. § 1344 – Bank Fraud

Section 1344......................................... 2021 Prosecution Survey case 9

18 U.S.C. § 1346 – Honest Services Fraud

Section 1346........................................ 2014 Prosecution Survey case 4
2010 Prosecution Survey cases 6, 16
2007 Prosecution Survey cases 15-19
2006 Prosecution Survey cases 11, 12
2002 Prosecution Survey case 1
1997 Prosecution Survey case 3

18 U.S.C. § 1505 – Obstruction of Proceedings Before Departments, Agencies, and Committees

Section 1505........................................ 2009 Prosecution Survey case 1
2008 Prosecution Survey case 1
2007 Prosecution Survey case 14
2006 Prosecution Survey case 1