Public service is a public trust, requiring employees to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws and ethical principles above private gain

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Shelley Finlayson

Shelley Finlayson, Acting Director

Leadership Notes

OGE’s Releases Snapshot of Executive Branch Ethics Program

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What's New

Program Advisory
| 07/22/2024

This program advisory provides an advance copy of the Annual Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire, explains how and when agencies must submit their response, describes the changes made from the previous questionnaire, and reminds agencies of the public availability of the questionnaire

Program Advisory
| 07/18/2024

This Program Advisory announces the U.S. Office of Government Ethics' (OGE) plan to list information about individuals who receive conflict of interest waivers (waivers) issued under 18 U.S.C. § 208(b)(1) in its Officials’ Individual Disclosures Search Collection (Collection). This Advisory describes why, how, and when OGE will make this information available, and reminds agencies that they may withhold from public disclosure information that would be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Leadership Note
| 07/02/2024

Maintaining the public’s trust is a shared responsibility between OGE and the 5,300 ethics officials supporting 2.7 million employees across more than 140 executive branch agencies.

Legal Advisory
| 06/10/2024

This Legal Advisory discusses the application of the terms “organization” under 18 U.S.C. § 208 and “person” under 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502 for employees with outside employment interests with state and local government entities.

Program Advisory
| 06/03/2024

In this Program Advisory, OGE asks each agency to forward its annual letter stating whether its components that are currently designated should remain designated for purposes of 18 U.S.C. § 207(c). Any request to modify the existing list of components should be submitted in accordance with regulatory procedures.

Leadership Note
| 05/20/2024

The final rule revises the Standards based on OGE’s experience gained from applying the regulation since its inception, input gathered during the public comment period, as well as feedback from ethics officials over the years. It also incorporates past interpretive guidance, improves clarity, modernizes regulatory examples to make them more relevant and inclusive, updates citations, and corrects technical deficiencies.

Featured Resources

2024 Presidential Election Readiness

This webpage features current resources, as well as an archive of past resources, for Presidential campaigns, Presidential Transition Teams, prospective nominees to Presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions, the public, and the media to support successful pre and post-election activities.

Resources for Nominees to Senate-Confirmed Positions

OGE provides a collection of resources to help potential Presidential nominees to Senate-confirmed positions understand the Nominee process and the ethics rules to which they would be subject after confirmation.

Confidential Financial Disclosure Guide

OGE maintains a guide to assist filers and reviewers of confidential financial disclosure reports.

Public Financial Disclosure Guide

OGE maintains a guide to assist filers and reviewers of public financial disclosure reports.

Institute for Ethics in Government

OGE provides professional development opportunities for executive branch ethics officials through its Institute for Ethics in Government.

Compilation of Federal Ethics Laws (PDF)

OGE has compiled the most pertinent laws under the jurisdiction of the executive branch ethics program as well as related statutes on which ethics officials are often called upon to provide advice to agency employees.

Summary of the Standards of Conduct (PDF)

OGE is responsible for issuing and interpreting the Standards of Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch.
