2024 Presidential Election Readiness

The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) plays a vital role in Presidential appointments by reviewing the financial disclosure reports of prospective Presidential nominees and resolving potential conflicts of interest so they can serve with integrity. Reviewing nominee financial disclosures becomes a primary focus for OGE during the post-election period, when many of the top political leadership in the executive branch turn over. OGE works in partnership with the new or continuing Administration to make sure that prospective nominees are free of conflicts of interest, so that top leadership positions can be filled quickly.

This webpage features current resources, as well as an archive of past resources, for Presidential campaigns, Presidential Transition Teams, prospective nominees to Presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions, the public, and the media.

Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates

Financial Disclosure Resources for Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates
This webpage contains resources to assist Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates to file required public financial disclosure reports.

Access Candidate Financial Disclosure Reports
The financial disclosures of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates are made available upon request pursuant to the Ethics in Government Act.

Transition Teams

A Roadmap to Presidential Appointments, Ethics Program Administration, and Ethical Leadership (2024) (PDF)
This guide is divided into three distinct parts, each of which describes key actions that the PTT, then the White House Office and Office of the Vice President, must take to ensure a smooth transition regarding government ethics. Each section is organized by the three key time periods that occur during an election cycle: pre-election; post-election; and post-inauguration and describes the top actions the PTT and then the incoming Administration should take, provides the associated timeline for the action, and explains why these actions are critical. The end of each section contains useful reference information.

Ways OGE Can Help in the Presidential Transition (1-page graphic) (2024) (PDF)
This one-page resource describes the ways OGE can assist a Presidential Transition Team.

Quick Guide to PAS Reports Reviewed by OGE (2024) (PDF)
This Quick Guide describes which PAS reports are or are not subject to OGE review.

(Unofficial) Excel Workbook of PAS Nominee Positions Subject to OGE Financial Disclosure Review (2024) (excel)
This Workbook lists the civilian PAS positions traditionally subject to OGE’s review in the nomination process. Note: The official source for identifying political positions in the executive branch is the publication titled, “United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions.” This publication, commonly known as the Plum Book, is published alternately by the Senate and the House committees after each Presidential election. OGE publishes the list of PAS positions subject to its review to complement this publication.

Prospective Presidential Nominees

Guide for Nominees (2024) (PDF)
The Guide is for prospective nominees to PAS positions and those confirmed to these positions.It is organized to take a nominee through the life cycle of a person who will serve as a Senate-confirmed Presidential appointee (PAS official). It includes sections explaining what to expect during the nominee process, how to have an ethical start to Federal service, how to be a leader in ethics, and what to consider when planning to leave Federal service. The appendix contains detailed reference information, such as instructions for Integrity and financial disclosure checklists.

Nominee Process Tips (2024) (PDF)
This one-page resource provides crucial tips about the ethics review process for prospective nominees to PAS positions.

What to Gather Before You Start Your Public Financial Disclosure Report (2024) (PDF)
This one-page resource provides a list of documents and information that employees and prospective employees need to collect before completing a Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e).

Nominee Public Financial Disclosure Review Checklists (2024)  (PDF)
OGE developed this collection of public financial disclosure checklists for prospective incoming Presidential nominees who file public financial disclosure reports, as well as for agency reviewers. The collection includes a general checklist applicable to all nominees, a checklist regarding trust interests, and supplemental checklists that target certain categories of professionals: attorneys; corporate officers, employees, and directors; university professors and deans; and investment fund managers.

Public Financial Disclosure Guide (2024) ( PDF)
This Guide is an interactive tool to assist individuals who file or review public financial disclosure reports (OGE Form 278e or OGE Form 278-T). The Guide offers helpful instructions, illustrations of sample language, definitions of terms, and plain-language answers to frequently asked questions.

Guide to Drafting Nominee Ethics Agreements (2024) (doc)
This Guide provides standardized language for drafting ethics agreements for prospective nominees to PAS positions. The ethics agreement outlines the steps the prospective nominee will take to avoid conflicts of interest.

Electronic Public Financial Disclosure Filing System, Integrity
Prospective nominees to PAS positions and nearly all public filers in the executive branch file public financial disclosure reports through Integrity, the executive branch electronic financial disclosure system. The user manual (PDF) for Integrity provides useful explanations of the system’s features.

Public Financial Disclosure (OGE Form 278e) and Confidential Financial Disclosure (OGE Form 450)
This webpage provides access to OGE’s financial disclosure forms and instructions for downloading the forms. Note: Nearly all prospective nominees to PAS positions will use Integrity to file their nominee financial disclosure.

Confidential Financial Disclosure Guide (2023) (PDF)
This Guide is a resource to assist individuals who file or review confidential financial disclosure reports (OGE Form 450). The Guide offers helpful instructions, illustrations of sample language, definitions of terms, and plain-language answers to frequently asked questions.

Certificate of Divestiture (CD) Fact Sheet (2016) (PDF)
This one-page reference guide summarizes key elements of the CD program including eligibility requirements, instructions on how employees can request a CD, and what to do after one is issued.

Access to Nominee Financial Disclosure Reports, Ethics Agreements, Certificates of Divestiture, and Certifications of Ethics Agreement Compliance
Public financial disclosure reports, ethics agreements, certificates of divestiture, and certifications of ethics agreement compliance of nominees are made available upon request pursuant to the Ethics in Government Act and the Representative Louise McIntosh Slaughter Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act (STOCK Act).

Agency Landing Team

OGE Agency Profile (2020) (PDF)
This Profile provides an overview of OGE and the executive branch ethics program. It also includes detailed information about OGE's leadership, structure, and components; major functional areas; and critical management practices.

OGE Staff Contact Information
This page provides key contacts for OGE staff.

Agency Ethics Staff Contact Information
This page provides the names of the most senior ethics official at each agency; contact information for employees seeking ethics advice; a point of contact for requesting ethics documents such as public financial disclosure reports; and a link to each agency's ethics webpage (if applicable).

External Resources

GSA’s Presidential Transition Directory
GSA maintains the federal government’s official Presidential Transition Directory.

Center for Presidential Transition, Partnership for Public Service (non-federal site)
The Partnership for Public Service has published its own helpful compilation.

Nominee Public Financial Disclosure Review Checklists (2020) (PDF)
These Checklists may assist prospective nominees to PAS positions who file public financial disclosure reports, as well as agency reviewers by helping them avoid common errors and report all required information. The collection includes a general checklist applicable to all nominees and supplemental checklists that target certain categories of professionals: attorneys; corporate officers, employees, and directors; university professors and deans; and investment fund managers.

Quick Guide to PAS Reports Reviewed by OGE (2020) (PDF)
This Quick Guide describes which PAS reports are or are not subject to OGE review.

Guide for Nominees (2020) (PDF)
The Guide is for prospective nominees to PAS positions and those confirmed to these positions. The Guide includes sections explaining what to expect during the ethics review process, how to have an ethical start to Federal service, how to be a leader in ethics, and what to consider when planning to leave Federal service. The appendix contains detailed reference information, such as instructions for using the Integrity system to file public financial disclosure and financial disclosure checklists.

Presidential Transition Guide (2020) (PDF)
This guide identifies ways OGE can help a Transition Team, explains the ethics process and procedures for prospective nominees to PAS positions, and provides strategies for establishing a strong ethical culture in a Presidential Administration.

Ways OGE Can Help in the Presidential Transition (1-page graphic) (2020) (PDF)
This one-page resource describes the ways OGE can assist a Presidential Transition Team.

(Unofficial) Excel Workbook of PAS Nominee Positions Subject to OGE Financial Disclosure Review (2020) (excel)
This Workbook lists the civilian PAS positions traditionally subject to OGE’s review in the nomination process. Note: The official source for identifying political positions in the executive branch is the publication titled, “United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions.” This publication, commonly known as the Plum Book, is published alternately by the Senate and the House committees after each Presidential election. OGE publishes the list of PAS positions subject to its review to complement this publication.

Public Financial Disclosure Guide (2019) (PDF)
This Guide is an interactive tool to assist individuals who file or review public financial disclosure reports (OGE Form 278e or OGE Form 278-T). The Guide offers helpful instructions, illustrations of sample language, definitions of terms, and plain-language answers to frequently asked questions.

Confidential Financial Disclosure Guide (2019) (PDF)
This Guide is a resource to assist individuals who file or review confidential financial disclosure reports (OGE Form 450). The Guide offers helpful instructions, illustrations of sample language, definitions of terms, and plain-language answers to frequently asked questions.

Ways OGE Can Help in the Presidential Transition (1-page graphic) (2016) (PDF)
OGE is ready to assist a Presidential Transition Team in navigating the transition and laying the groundwork for a strong ethical culture in the administration. OGE is also ready to assist in establishing a strong White House ethics program.

OGE’s Guide for the Presidential Transition Team (2016)
The work of a Presidential transition is a monumental undertaking. OGE developed this Guide as a resource for a Presidential Transition Team to prepare for the then-upcoming transition so that top leadership positions can be filled quickly and free from conflicts of interest. This guide explains the nominee ethics process, provides strategies for establishing a strong ethical culture in a new Presidential administration, and includes useful reference materials. Web version | Print version (pdf)

(Unofficial) Excel workbook listing positions for which OGE reviews nominees (2016) (excel)
The official source for identifying political positions in the executive branch is the publication titled, “United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions.” This publication, commonly known as the Plum Book, is published alternately by the Senate and the House committees after each Presidential election. However, the process of identifying possible nominees needs to begin well before the election. To assist in this process, OGE has compiled an unofficial Excel workbook listing the civilian Presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed positions traditionally subject to OGE’s review in the nomination process.

Nominee Public Financial Disclosure Review Checklists (2016) (PDF)
This collection of public financial disclosure checklists is for prospective incoming Presidential nominees who file public financial disclosure reports, as well as for agency reviewers. The collection includes a general checklist applicable to all nominees and supplemental checklists that target certain categories of professionals: attorneys; corporate officers, employees, and directors; university professors and deans; and investment fund managers.

Guide for Nominees (2016)
This Guide is a resource for potential Presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed (PAS) nominees during the then-upcoming transition. The Guide contains helpful guidance for prospective PAS nominees, including an introduction to the nominee process, guidance on financial disclosure, and an overview of key ethics rules and regulations. Web version | Print version (PDF)

Appendix to the Guide for Nominees (2016)
The Appendix to the Guide for Nominees contains detailed reference content, such as financial disclosure checklists, criteria for identifying excepted investment funds, and information on ongoing financial disclosure obligations. Web version | Print version(PDF)

Nominee Ethics Agreement Guide (2014) (word)
The ethics agreement outlines specific steps a nominee, after confirmation, will take to avoid conflicts of interest. OGE’s staff and agency ethics officials draft each ethics agreement using standardized language from this Guide that will be modified as needed to tailor the agreement to the nominee’s unique circumstances.

OGE Agency Profile (2016) (PDF)
This profile provides an overview of the executive branch ethics program and OGE. It also includes detailed information about OGE’s leadership, structure, and components; major functional areas; and critical management practices. (print versionpage version)

GAO-17-615R Presidential Transition: Information on Ethics, Funding, and Agency Services (2017) (PDF)