OGE Form 278-T
Do I Need to File an OGE Form 278-T (Periodic Transaction Report)?
You must file a Periodic Transaction report if:
- you are in a position subject to the public financial disclosure requirements (“covered position”);
- you served or are expected to serve in a covered position for more than 60 days; and
- you have a reportable transaction.
You are not required to file a negative report if you have no reportable transactions.
How Do I File?
In most cases, individuals should file their reports electronically, either through Integrity, a web-based system developed and administered by OGE for executive-branch-wide use, or through another agency-supported electronic financial disclosure system. Contact your agency ethics official if you have any questions about getting access to the system used by your agency.
When Must I File?
Periodic transaction reporting is subject to two different due dates. Under the Ethics in Government Act, you need to file a report:
- within 30 days of receiving notification of a transaction, but
- not later than 45 days after the transaction.
Click here for additional information on these due dates.
Report Contents
The OGE Form 278-T consists of a general information section and a section for reporting transactions. Click here for instructions on what constitutes a reportable transaction and how to report such transactions.